Healthcare provision for refugees who have applied for asylum is normally provided in accordance with §§ 4 and 6 of the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG). Depending on the federal state in question, however, the costs are either billed via…
Healthcare provision for refugees who have applied for asylum is normally provided in accordance with §§ 4 and 6 of the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG). Depending on the federal state in question, however, the costs are either billed via…
Refugees receive healthcare in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. Entitlement to healthcare for the first 15 months of their stay is set out in §§ 4 and 6 AsylbLG. Depending on the federal state and (partly) the municipality…
The health insurance card grants asylum seekers access to health services according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Law (AsylbLG), provided their federal state of residence has adopted the card.
The healthcare voucher is one way federal states can regulate access to health care for refugees and asylum seekers.
Statutory healthcare is regulated for all groups of refugees in the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. However, the law does not define the specific benefits that need to be provided, which in practice has often led to ambiguity and incorrect interpretation.…
This page sets out the legal basis of healthcare provision for refugees. Entitlement and scope (§§ 4, 6 AsylbLG) Restrictions on access to the official healthcare system due to the authorities’ obligations to provide notification about people with no legal…
Including people with no legal residence status (§ 6a AsylbLG, which was previously equivalent to § 25 SGB XII). In medical emergencies, people with no legal residency status can be treated in state, charitable or private hospitals. Who is eligible…
Legal Basis Die gesetzlich vorgesehene Gesundheitsversorgung ist auch für Menschen ohne rechtlichen Aufenthaltsstatus im Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz festgelegt. Der Leistungsanspruch ergibt sich aus § 1 Abs. 1 Nr. 5 i.V.m. §§ 4 und 6 AsylbLG. Darin wird Menschen ohne rechtlichen Aufenthaltsstatus –…